Being a reliable business partner is a top priority for Eurovent Certita Certification. Our goal is always to provide you with high quality service, without any unnecessary obstacles.
In this time of uncertainty, we are doing everything we can to protect the health and safety of our employees, while working hard to support our customers and minimize business disruption.
We are happy to announce that to this day we maintain a total level of reliability on the data published on our website and which relate to the performance of certified products from all manufacturers participating in our certification program.
Performance reports for certified products are available at
Being able to count on an accredited and valid ISO 17065 certifier has never been so important in the current crisis, whatever product family you have to rely on.
The current health crisis of COVID-19 has led us to adapt and set up a working method as well as an optimal certification protocol in order to best respond to the constraints specific to certain certification programs.
Country by country, we assess the monthly situation relating to product availability, logistics and the economic challenges faced by our participating manufacturers.
A similar effort is being made with all our partners to best estimate laboratory resources for the coming months, with the aim of maintaining the fluidity of tests for all products.
We hope you find this newsletter informative and useful.
Take care of yourself and your loved ones.
The Eurovent Certita Certification team and the Board of Directors.