Testing ‘real life’ performance

Feb 10, 2025

Product performance data is meaningless unless it can be proven, can be compared and can be reliably applied to real life situations. Eurovent Certification strives to ensure its programmes not only deliver accurate, independently verified and publicly available performance data, but that this data reflects the demands placed on modern heating, ventilation, air conditioning and refrigeration (HVACR) systems. 

Programmes such as Eurovent Certified Performance are required because not all products behave in real life as promised. An example of this was central to the 2024 White Paper, “Broken Trust: Energy efficiency and the refrigeration industry,”  where research discovered a potential 31% gap between a product’s claimed and expected performance. 

So, what does ‘claimed’ and ‘expected’ really mean? Why is there sometimes a gap between laboratory results and how the product performs in real life? How does Eurovent Certification overcome this issue in its processes? And finally, how does creating a ‘level playing field’ help HAVCR industry professionals choose products? This article explains all. 

The difference between claimed and expected performance

Imagine you are going to buy an electric car. The salesperson tells you the car can travel up to 230 miles on a single charge. This figure has been validated in a laboratory and is the claimed performance. However, the car will only reach the claimed 230 miles per charge if:

  • There are no additional passengers or luggage. 
  • There are no other energy demands on the car e.g. no heating, no air conditioning, no radio, no sat nav etc.
  • The road conditions are perfectly straight and flat.
  • The speed is kept consistent at the most efficient possible.
  • The car is at its most aerodynamic, e.g. tyre pressure is in the optimal range, all windows closed etc. 

In real life however, the buyer (end user) is part of a family of four, mainly city driving, living in a cooler environment, in a hilly region. If the milage per charge is recalculated based on these influencing factors, the expected performance of the car will be around 170 miles per charge – way below the claimed performance. 

So, in our example:

Claimed performance: Is performance data declared by the manufacturer with no independent validation. There may be a risk this data is optimised by the manufacturer, or that products are not tested in a standardised manner e.g. under a different test methodology, test standard, or process to rival manufacturers. 

Expected performance: Is performance data verified independently in a standardised way, with the same test methodology, standards and process for all manufacturers. Eurovent Certified Performance programmes do not aim for optimised results, instead they aim to reflect as much as possible the reality of installed products. 

The performance gap

Using the above example, it’s clear to see how gaps can easily appear in claimed and expected performance. The car manufacturer has not lied about the claimed performance – in fact it has been proven in a laboratory that the model can reach the mileage stated – however, it is only achievable under very specific, optimal conditions. The data is not representative of real-life use by different end users, across different climates or physical environments. Additionally, the manufacturer does not provide data for sub-optimal conditions, meaning that car buyers in different regions do not have accurate, verified information on which to make purchase decisions. 

The same applies to HVACR systems. HVACR product performance can be greatly influenced by factors such as climate, the environment (building) it is installed in and the operational demands on the system. Decision makers therefore need access to accurate, independently verified performance data, so they can make the right choice for their project.

How does Eurovent Certification find the expected performance?

Laboratory testing gives us a snapshot of product performance, verifying how the tested product performs, under set criteria, at that one point in time. While it is impossible to test for every single eventuality, Eurovent Certification criteria strives to test under a range of conditions that are representative of real life performance. 

Each programme has its own set of Technical Certification Rules, which specifies the characteristics tested, the conditions under which they are tested, and the testing standards applicable. Products may be evaluated at different speeds to simulate real life use, or different pressures or temperatures to simulate different climates. For example:

  • The Eurovent Certified Performance programme for Heat Exchangers tests CO2 gas coolers to nine different market conditions, representing product performance across nine different regions. 
  • Products certified under the Eurovent Certified Performance programme for Air Handling Units, must use the same reference cities for summer and winter energy efficiency class calculations to ensure accurate comparison. To make results more realistic, the summer calculations examine the impact of the heat recovery systems bypass pressure drop on the energy efficiency class.
  • The acoustic test for heat pumps certified under the Eurovent Certified Performance programme, must not exceed the threshold imposed by the European Standards under full load. Non-Eurovent-certified manufacturers may declare acoustic data under a partial load test.

This ensures decision makers have accurate, realistic, verified, comparable data, based not on test conditions that make the product look good, but under test conditions that help anticipate how the product will operate in real life. 

To further enhance the robustness of the certification process Eurovent Certified Performance programmes include:

  • Factory audits to ensure production line quality 
  • Software checks and / or software certification (dependent on programme)
  • Validation of all submitted data (including marketing materials) for technical credibility and continuity
  • And crucially, products are put under a surveillance process to ensure they continue to comply with declared data. 

These extra layers of evaluation all build a comprehensive picture of the product that goes beyond laboratory tests alone. This is why Eurovent Certified Performance programmes can guarantee product performance.

Comparing systems like-for-like

One of the biggest advantages of Eurovent Certified Performance programmes is that the data validated enables decision makers to compare products on a level playing field. This is because all products within Eurovent Certification programmes undergo exactly the same certification, auditing and surveillance process. Evaluation protocols are uniform to ensure the certification process is fair and equal for all manufacturers, whether they are the market leader, or a newcomer to the sector. 

Eurovent Certification: 

  • Evaluates all products within a programme according to the same criteria
  • Expresses results in the same unit of measurement, regardless of the country where the products are manufactured or marketed
  • Ensures products with components manufactured across multiple sites (sometimes in different countries), all reach Eurovent Certification standards
  • Impartiality standards are kept high as manufacturers and laboratories have no direct contact, keeping the process clear of any bias
  • Additionally, products to be tested can be taken from the production line, factory stock or point of sale, ensuring the product tested is the same as those leaving the production line.

This ensures that Eurovent certified products can be compared like-for-like, across a range of certified characteristics, bringing real clarity to decision makers. 

Viewing certified data

Eurovent Certification programmes build trust that products will perform as advertised. Everyone can view, download and compare certified data for free, online via the Certified Product Directory. Try it now.

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