Presented by: Prof. Sani Dimitroulopoulou, Principal Environmental Public Health Scientist - Indoor Environments; Duncan Grassie, Environmental Public Health Scientist; Kaja Milczewska, Environmental Public Health Scientist.
Sani was first up, giving an overview of the UKHSA and a whistlestop tour of the important work it has been undertaking on Indoor Environmental Quality (IEQ) in schools. Sani closed with what would become a key theme for the day; that the best results are achieved when Government, industry and academia work together.
Next up, Duncan and Kaja explored the impact of indoor environmental quality in educational buildings on health, wellbeing, and performance. The duo explained the scope, methodology and a summary of their latest research, a Eurovent funded literature review on the impact of IAQ in educational establishments. The presentation covered key themes such as the causes of poor IEQ, absenteeism, academic performance, interventions, economic costs and benefits, limitations and key recommendations.
The IAQmatters conference master presentation is now available on the Eurovent website.