New app makes superior IAQ simple

With Indoor Air Quality (IAQ) an increasingly important topic, Eurovent Certita Certification (ECC) has launched a new app to help guide industry professionals through the essential components used in hygienic Air Handling Units (AHUs). Hygienic AHUs offer the highest standards in IAQ, but not everyone is familiar with the attributes that set them apart from standard systems. Created by LearnMeUp, the new app aims to explore the added features of hygienic systems that elevate IAQ to superior levels. 

Based on the rating system used in Eurovent’s Certified Performance programme for hygienic AHUs, the new app guides users through three levels of performance: 
1 star: Suitable for schools, offices, hotels etc.
2 stars: Suitable for hospitals and healthcare applications etc.
3 stars: Suitable for pharmaceuticals, white rooms, food processing etc.

Hygienic air handling unit
© Eurovent

The three star system allows users to easily identify the correct AHU for their project. App users can visit the navigation section to select a virtual 3D model of a ‘Schools, Office, Hotels’ 1 star system, a ‘Hospitals’ 2 star system, or a ‘Pharmaceuticals, Food process’ 3 star system. Each 3D model explains the minimum requirements manufacturers must hit to achieve that hygienic standard. Users can click on different components within the system to view the requirements of hygienic certification. Users can also watch a short video explaining the key differences between standard and hygienic AHUs.

The app is making it’s debut at ISK SODEX in Istanbul, where delegates can drop by the Eurovent Certita Certification booth in hall 4, Stand E01 for more information. The app will also be formally introduced in Hall 5, Forum Area at 11am on 26th October, at the "Unlocking IAQ Excellence: Hygienic AHU Certification with Eurovent" presentation by Boreas Sales Manager, Orhun Aksoy, Eurovent Market Intelligence's Analyst, Beyza Aykurt, and Programme Manager, Mustafa Dilsen.

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