Presented by Emma Gibbons, UCL, and Peter Walsh, WSP, members of the CIBSE Air Quality Group
Emma began the presentation by giving an overview of CIBSE and the Air Quality Group. Passing over to Peter, he discussed a project undertaken by WSP, trailing air filtration systems in six nursery schools across London, using six different devices, over a 6-month period. Explaining the methodology and results, Peter them moved onto the results and feedback from the nurseys.
Emma then gave an overview of UCL’s current air quality projects, including Indoor air quality in nurseries (Dr Shuo Zhang), TOP project (Dr Sam Stamp), In-line filtration (by Emma herself) and Passivhaus primary school (Chryssa Thoua). The presentation concluded with information on CIBSE TM57: Integrated school design.
The IAQmatters conference presentations are now available on the Eurovent website.