Air to air, multi split, reversible (> 12 kW)
Air to air, multi split, reversible (≤ 12 kW)
Air to air, split, cooling only (≤ 12 kW)
Air to air, split, reversible (> 12 kW)
Air to air, split, reversible (≤ 12 kW)
Air handling units - Hygienic
Comfort chiller, air-cooled, packaged, cooling only
Comfort chiller, water-cooled, packaged, cooling only
Heat pump, air to water, packaged, heating only
Heat pump, air to water, split, heating only
Heat pump, air-to-water, packaged, reversible
Heat pump, air-to-water, split, reversible
Heat pump, water to water, packaged, heating only
Heat pump, water-to-water, packaged, reversible
Polyvalent unit, air-cooled, 2+2-pipes
Polyvalent unit, air-cooled, 4-pipes
Polyvalent unit, water-cooled, 2+2-pipes
Polyvalent unit, water-cooled, 4-pipes
Process chiller, air-cooled
Process chiller, water-cooled
Very high temperature process chiller, air-cooled
Chimneys and ventilation QB
Ducted, 2 pipes, cooling
Ducted, 2 pipes, cooling and heating
Ducted, 2 pipes, district cooling
Ducted, 4 pipes, cooling and heating
Non-ducted, 2 pipes, cooling and heating
Non-ducted, 2 pipes, district cooling
Non-ducted, 4 pipes, cooling and heating
Air to water, heating
Air to water, heating, and cooling
Air to water, heating, cooling, and hot water
Air to water, pool heating
Brine water to water, heating
Brine water to water, heating, and cooling
Brine water to water, heating, and hot water
Brine water to water, heating, cooling, and hot water
Gas absorption, air to water, heating
Ground water to water, heating
Ground water to water, heating, and hot water
Air to air, heating, and cooling
Air to air, heating, and hot water
Air to air, heating, cooling, and hot water
Air to water, heating
Air to water, heating, and cooling
Air to water, heating, cooling, and hot water
Air to water, pool heating
Brine water to water, heating
Brine water to water, heating, and cooling
Brine water to water, heating, and hot water
Brine water to water, heating, cooling, and hot water
Brine Water/Water on Solar Collector, Heating
Gas absorption, air to water, heating
Gas engine, air to air, heating, and cooling
Gas engine, air to water, heating
Ground to water, heating
Ground water to water, heating
HP - Electric - Simple mode - Heating only - Air/Air
Water loop to recycled air, heating, and cooling
Indoor Air Quality and Energy Efficiency
Residential ventilation Eurovent
Residential ventilation NF
Residential ventilation QB
Thermostatic valves - Keymark
Thermostatic valves – Temporal value
Twin coils heat exchangers
Variable refrigerant flow systems